Orrell Lamberhead Green Primary Academy

Believe Endeavour Succeed Together

Coronavirus Update


15th June 21


If a bubble closes due to close contact all those in the bubble should get a PCR test

This is the advice sent to us from Professor Kate Ardern- director of Public Health 

Response to a positive case in schools

 Due to the current increase in the number of new variant cases in Wigan in recent weeks, we are asking all staff and pupils who are identified as a contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case to access PCR testing, where appropriate. Household members of those isolating can also book a PCR test through this route.


For some children and young people, testing may not be appropriate. This includes-early years settings or pupils who have additional needs that would make the completion of the test distressing and/or challenging. Where this is the case, the household of the contacts can be signposted to asymptomatic testing instead.


This measure is to ensure that we can identify any additional cases, including when people have no symptoms. This will help us to identify and isolate cases, prevent onward transmission and minimise our case rates in the Borough. We ask that you implement this for new cases going forward. This will be kept under review and we will let you know if this is no longer required.


Staff, students and parents should be directed to https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test to book this test. They will be asked to identify whether they have COVID symptoms. If they have no symptoms, they should select ‘No’ for this answer and proceed through the questions until they get to the question: Why are you asking for a test? They should select the box that says ‘I’ve been told to get a test by my local council, health protection team or healthcare professional’. And then the option that states: ‘My local council or health protection team has asked me to get a test, even though I do not have symptoms’. They can then proceed to book the test.


We would also like to find out if close contacts are taking up asymptomatic PCR testing. We would be grateful if you could ask pupils/families to report to the school if they have accessed testing so that you can be aware of uptake and raise any concerns with us.